You keep reading how all these successful female entrepreneurs are launching and using sales funnels to grow their hugely successful businesses. 

How they are receiving leads and growing their list whilst they sleep. 

How they are using sales funnels to reach their ideal clients and growing their business on autopilot.

How they are launching and making extra money, by sharing the knowledge they already have!

I'm sure you've heard about launching, sales funnels, FB ads, webinars, challenges etc but do you know how to make them work for your business?

This could be you!

Rollback a couple of years and the idea of a launch and a sales funnel scared me senseless. I had no idea where to start and it seemed so hard and techy. 

My first funnel took me ages!

Fast forward and I now LOVE launching and working with clients to launch! 

They are a super important strategy to grow your business.

I've seen them work in my businesses and for clients over and over again.

I believe in order to have a successful business you need to be visible

If you aren't being visible, how do you expect people to know about you? 

You can be the most amazing person at what you do in the world, but if you aren't visible, nobody will know you exist. 

In this step by step LIVE programme, I'll show you the exact steps I take to launch and how you can easily and simply do the same.

Showing you how to bring leads and sales on tap. And showing you how to use FB ADs to bring you those targetted leads to your funnel.

Client Love

“Katie is absolutely amazing! Before I met Katie I spent over $200 on Facebook ads and didn’t get 1 conversion. I felt discouraged and frustrated. I started to believe that Facebook ads just don’t work for me and my business. But I decided to give it one more try with Katie’s help. And thankfully I did!! Not only did she help me set up my Facebook ads but she made me realize that part of the problem was my funnel (I had a terrible one!). She helped with the entire funnel setup from my offering, landing page, thank you page and email automations. She was kind, patient and helpful every step of the way! Within one week of setting up my ad and funnel  I was able to get over 100 conversions and 2 new clients! Woot woot!!! So if you have any confusion about Facebook ads, Katie is your girl! Thank you Katie! You are a beautiful soul and an absolute pleasure to work with!”

- Tanya Shears 

Intuition & Mindset Coach 

Let's get 1 thing clear before we go any further.....

SALES FUNNELS & FB ADS are NOT the magic wand to success. They are not the 'secret' to a 6 figure launch in 2.5 nanoseconds.

I am absolutely NOT about the cookie-cutter approach and this is NOT a quick fix.

Sales funnels and Ads are an amazing part of a bigger strategy to running a successful business. A part of. Not the only part.

Cool? Fab, let's continue....

Imagine how it would feel to be visible to your ideal clients and become known as the go-to person in your industry?

How would it feel to see your list growing daily?

What would it feel like to receive consistant leads from your ideal clients?

My biggest value is FREEDOM. Is this something you would like more of? What would that mean to you? 

For me, sales funnels and FB ads and learning how to launch have helped me to lead a life of more freedom. 

More travel & holidays. More memories. More experiences. More time with family. More time for me. Less stess.

(All I need is for Covid to do one, and I can get right back to leading more of that life I LOVE!)

"When you are a solopreneur...Launching a programme can
be scary
feel lonely
trigger self-doubt
but NOT when you have 
@katie_colella_social by your side all the way through!

I have just closed enrollment to my Pet Communication Quickstart programme and it has been my MOST successful launch yet!!

Without a doubt, Katie's constant encouragement, support, humour, and top class FB Ads, funnel, email management plus SO MUCH MORE that goes on behind the scenes to make sure everything ran smoothly and efficiently.

There's no way I could have done it without 
@katie_colella_social .

I even received this testimonial from one of my email subscribers
"On the business end, I am so impressed with your website, webinars, follow up survey system and overall efficiency."~ from N.A.

Says it all! Big big thanks 

- Joanne Yeoh - Launching Quickstart Animal Communications Programme




Total Value of full mastermind & bonuses: £3,054

Your price, just £997


(for a limited time- SAVING YOU £1997)

pay in full or in 4 instalments of just £250.


"Thank you so much Katie. We could not have done this launch without you. We hate anything techy and you've made it all super easy. I can't believe the amount of people we have in the challenge. We are over the moon. Thank you" Michelle & Emma

"I can't believe I've had a £30k launch! Thank you so much for all your help, I literally couldn't do it without you- I NEED you in my life!" (Gillian)

You'll Learn....

  • how to grow your list (and FB group)
  • increase your visibility
  • nurture your audience
  • increase your leads, sales & clients
  • become the go-to in your field
  • position yourself as the expert
  • what strategy works for you
  • set up your first launch (all the tech covered!)
  • create a sales funnel
  • set up FB ads
  • the canva pro tips (from Claire Lockey- Content Stylist)
  • branding for success (from Amy McMahon)

I'll be with you each step of the way!

"We've done it! We've smashed our goal of 24 sign ups on this launch. I am so happy. Thank you so much for all you did on this. I am so grateful. That's over £14,000. I am buzzing with energy"

Thanks for all your help recently with everything. I really appreciate it as a lot has been going on.  

I have really enjoyed working with you and you have really helped on many things for the business.  

I really mean it. I would not have been able to have grown and expanded without you. Thank you

Gayle Berry- Founder Of Blossom & Berry

Thank you so much for all your help and support during my challenge & launch and at all the other times too! You are fabulous and I very much appreciate you!  

Love Gill xxx  

Gillian Devine- Photography Mentor

When does it start?

You'll get access to a private Facebook group on Monday 5th April with our first live session on Tuesday 6th.

There are 10 live sessions - one per week and together we will get you from launch virgin to launch pro in our 10 weeks together.

Week 1- why launches work and mapping yours out (most of you will be looking at challenges!)

Week 2 - what tech you'll need and creating your challenge opt-in page

Week 3 - creating your thank you page

Week 4 - connecting email software and FB pixels

Week 5 - creating an email sequence

Week 6 - setting up manychat (bots)

Week 7 - FB ads

Week 8 - FB ads

Week 9 - finishing touches, freebies, masterclasses & waitlists!

Week 10- catch up, check in, Q&A & mini-(virtual) party!

This is what I do for a living- I support women through their launch. Step by step. Everything they need to do, and I can help you too!

The group numbers will be limited - so you all get a chance to speak with me and you won't get lost!

There are also over 15 workbooks, guides, checklists and worksheets to accompany this programme.

Plus step by step funnel templates, so when you are ready to set up a webinar funnel, live event funnel, consultation funnel or membership trial funnel, you'll have a step by step map of what steps you'll need to take.

All sessions are recorded and there to watch at your leisure so if you are super busy and know you can't keep up with a lesson each week, you can catch up, when it suits you (or watch again) until you are finished. You'll get access to the content for 2 years (I mean, really it's life, but officially we aren't allowed to say lifetime access!)

I will be showing you how to launch using specific platforms, but most can easily be re-created using whatever system you use. I'll be using Leadpages for landing pages, Active Campaign for email automations and Kartra (2 variations). I use FB ads manager, Canva, Thrivecart & FB Groups.

I do have on file some recorded sessions from some other platforms if you'd like to see those too. I never want you to feel 'lost' & will do everything in my power to help you succeed!

Value of the mastermind programme:£1997


1. You will have a video teaching session with Claire Lockey - who is The Content Stylist and a Canva-whizz extraordinaire! Claire literally knows everything there is to know about Canva and she is also a certified Canva partner! She'll help your graphics go from drab to stunning, professional and beautifully branded!

Value: £199. Cost: Free!

2. I have included access to 15 workbooks, checklists, guides and more. These are all the resources you need to get started on your launch. Go to your portal and download whatever you need! Templates for sales pages, masterclass pages, landing pages, thank you pages, FB ad copy, email nurture sequences. You name it, you'll have it!

Value: £199. Cost: Free!

3. A workshop with the branding queen- Amy McMahon, who will talk to us about the importance of your branding.

Value £199. Cost: Free!


4. An exclusive invite to an in-person group mastermind session with lunch included at The Celtic Manor 5* Hotel (will be hosted later this year, when we are able!).

Value: £460. Cost: Free When You Sign Up Before Midnight Sunday 24th January!

Value of the Bonuses:£1057

Total Value of full mastermind & bonuses: £3,054

Your price, just £997


"My launches have never been so successful & without Katie by my side I would never have been able to achieve what I have been able to achieve in my business" Gillian

"I couldn't do this without all your expert knowledge and help. Thank you for all you do with me to get my launches smashing each previous launch out of the water- time & time again!"

More client feedback

"I have been using Katie’s services for three months and I am so pleased I found her. She designed me several sales funnels and has gone above and beyond – the speed at which she delivered them and attention to detail are second to none. I work very quickly and I sometimes find it difficult to find people to keep up – this has not been a problem for Katie and she often second-guesses what I need and want. I cannot recommend Katie highly enough."


Natalie Lancer- Educational Guidance Guru

"This woman is launch queen! My launches have never been so easy & profitable!"

Gillian Devine- Photography Success Mentor

I am a mum to 2, stepmum to 3 and wife to 1, so believe me when I say I know how it feels to be 'juggling it all', feeling overwhelmed & stressed trying to be everywhere.

Creating a sales funnel when launching allows you to create more automation in your business, creating more time, more freedom and leads on tap! I'll take you through the whole process from start to finish and will be with you along the way!

I'm a holiday and travel-aholic, so believe me, the last thing I want is a strategy that is too much hard work, that doesn't work and that takes alllllll the time! I'd rather a rinse & repeat model, whilst I sip (ok, guzzle) a delicious glass of ice-cold sauvignon blanc somewhere hot and sunny!

What results have I had for myself and/or clients?

1. FB ads for freebie (xmas time, xmas freebie) 168 leads at 75p per lead 324 leads at 70p per lead Total spend £351 (for 492 leads)

2. Signed up for challenge: 131 (from ads) Cost per lead: £3.31 Total spend: £436.61 (Over xmas period when spend is increased) Total number on challenge automation: 205 Total number joined challenge group: 185 Total number joined course: 23 Cost of course: £1000 Total £ in: £25500 ROI: 5748%  

3. CTA: Get on waitlist, then book a call Cart open 1 month Conversion on opt-in page: 34% Cost per lead on waitlist: £1.80 Number of leads: 189 Total spend £341 Number of sales: 13 £ in from course: £15,600 Cost per sale: £1200 ROI: 4474%

4. £4.31 per ideal client lead signing up for challenge Aim = 250 leads Predicted cost for 175 paid leads £754.25 (rest organic) Cost of each course sale £999 Aim 20 people sign up (based on previous rounds and conversion rates) Hit £18,000 ROI - over 4000%  

5. Email list building and tripwire $0.30 link clicks Spend $721 300 sign ups Converting at $2.40 per sign up Tripwire sales- $600 ($49 each purchase) Total outgoing = $121 and 300 new leads to mailing list 

6. Consistent best launches ever, topping £35k for clients

7. £850 FB ads spend...... £33.5k launch

8. 500 + leads at 55p sign ups

9. £12k launches, with a soft launch, using a free masterclass launch

10. £20k launch, using a very aligned 'soft launch' using a free masterclass & PDF

11. £33k launch, using a free challenge to launch

12. £14k launches - 24 people signing up to a training weekend! Using a waitlist & free masterclass

Low cost per lead, great stats, amazing sign up conversion rates, fab launches, list growth......



At the end of the 10 weeks, you'll know all there is to know and you'll be ready to launch your awesomeness to the world!



Total Value of full mastermind & bonuses: £3,054

Your price, just £997

SAVE £1997. Pay in full or pay in instalments (4 x £250)